Since 1992, embOS has been the preferred RTOS choice for engineers in the embedded market. It offers ease-of-use and guarantees 100% deterministic real-time operation for any embedded device. This real-time operating system is highly portable and fully source-compatible on all platforms, making it easy to port applications to different cores. Tasks can easily be created and safely communicate with each other, using communication mechanisms such as semaphores, mailboxes, and events.


embOS is a priority-controlled RTOS (real-time operating system). It is designed to be the foundation for developing embedded applications and is continually developed since 1992. embOS is available for all popular cores, compilers and development tools and has been deployed in several billion devices in a range of application areas.


  • Powerful & easy-to-use API
  • High performance with low memory use
  • Kernel awareness plugins available
  • Zero interrupt latency
  • MISRA-C:2012 compliant
  • Functional Safety Certified with IEC 61508 SIL 3 and IEC 62304 Class C


embOS can be downloaded from here