The Klessydra processing core family is a set of processors featuring full compliance with RISC-V, and pin-to-pin compatible with the PULPino Riscy cores. Klessydra-T13 is a bare-metal 32-bit processor fully supporting the RV32IM from the RISC-V ISA, and one instruction from the Atomic “A” extension. ‘T1’ further extends the instruction set with a set of custom vector instructions.


Architecture: T13 as its T0x predecessor vesions is also an interleaved multithreaded processor (Aka, barrel processor). It interleaves three hardware threads (harts). Each hart has it’s own registerfile, CSR-unit, and program counter, and they communicate with each other via software interrupts.


The Coprocessor is a highly parametrizable accelerator, with up to 256-bit SIMD+MIMD execution capabilities. It comprises the Multipurpose Functional Unit, and the Scratchpad Memory Interface. The custom instruction set supported are listed in the Technincal manuals in the Docs folder. In addition to SIMD execution, the coprocessor supports subword-SIMD to further accelerate 8-bit and 16-bit integer data types.


You can download the Klessydra core here